Proximity Snake

This is an adaptation of various Snake types to a [; 33.42] tiling.


Draw a snake through cells between the two given ends such that:

  1. The snake does not branch or cross itself.
  2. The snake does not touch itself on an edge.  If two cells that share an edge are part of the snake, the snake must be passing through that edge. The snake can touch itself on a vertex (“diagonally”).
  3. Numbers in certain cells indicate how many of the cells that share a vertex with the numbered cell are occupied by the snake.  The snake cannot pass through numbers.


Dodecagon Square Joint Proximity Snake ExampleDodecagon Square Joint Proximity Snake Example Solution


All of the puzzles can be found organized in this printable PDF, or in the images below.

PDF Proximity Snake

01. Easy

 Dodecagon Square Joint Proximity Snake Easy 01

02. Medium

Dodecagon Square Joint Proximity Snake Medium 02

03. Hard

Dodecagon Square Joint Proximity Snake Hard 03